
ST FRANCIS is the nurturing ground for the holistic development of your child.

  • Every child is precious, created in the image of God and blessed with
    potentials and possibilities.
  • 50% of your child’s development takes place between 1 and 4 years of age.
  • The Pre-School period is the most exciting in the child’s life. It is a combined effort of teachers, parents and guardians to bring out the best in a child.
  • Nature plays a vital role in nourishing the self-confidence of a child to face life with courage, creativity and communicative skill.

Your child is our Joint Venture

Our aim is to impart pre-learning skills while providing the child with home atmosphere to develop at his or her own pace. It is a stepping stone to higher levels of learning.We are dedicated to the nurturing of the child’s natural impulses in a positive,productive and persistent way by allowing him/ her to take initiative and self direction.

A Sound Foundation of Life

St. Francis offers a child-friendly ambience. Every aspect of the place is physically and psychologically geared to take care of the budding needs of the child. The physical environment is pleasant, lively and comfortable. It is a well designed functional home where a child would love to be.
We value your child’s feelings. The staff is sensitive, caring and motherly in their approach so as to inculcate self- confidence and facilitate growth and self grooming in the children.

Childhood and the Fun of Learning

  • We provide a warm, intellectually stimulating and multi-dimensional
    environment that encourage learning through creative play.
  • Initiating a wide range of physical activities that develop basic motor skills.
  • Encouraging closeness with nature and the power of observation.
  • Creating an aesthetic awareness through music, dance, art and craft.
  • Acquiring moral values, good habits, a positive attitude and self image.
  • Fostering communication skills and formation of concepts through activities. Working closely with parents to effect a smooth transition from the home to the outside world.

Co-curricular Activities

  • Karate
  • Skating
  • Yoga
  • Football
  • Aerobics
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Guitar
  • Keyboard
  • Vedic Maths
  • Abacus
  • Calligraphy
  • Art and Craft
  • Classical Dance
  • Western Dance
  • Choir


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