From the Principal’s Desk
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
Dear Francisians,
I am honoured and feel very privileged to be the Principal of St. Francis School ICSE, Hongasandra.
A new academic session has just begun. Every beginning brings with it manifold possibilities, opportunities and promises. We require a pragmatic approach and a feasible plan to tap the rich potential every new beginning brings with it. “Plans are nothing; planning is everything,” opines Dwight D Eisenhower. We staunchly believe that the backbone of success is hard work, determination and planning. We have a meticulous plan for the new academic session and we always adhere to the plan. That is the secret of our success!
Technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools which increase students’ engagement and motivation. Technology accelerates learning and builds 21st century skills. Technology inspires students to become problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and creators. Where technology has been successfully integrated into classrooms, students develop a lifelong love of learning. In order to harness the rich potential of technology in education, we have introduced a digital learning platform ‘Extramarks’. I hope this will enhance the efficacy of teaching –learning experience and make learning experiential.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom,” said Victor Franklin. We constantly provide right stimulus and wait for healthy response. Your response depends on your attitude. You attitude will determine your altitude.
Let’s strive hard to actualise our school motto: ‘Education with Character and Excellence.”
All the very best for the academic session 2019-20!
Bro. Cletus N